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Best on the Net - A to B

Note: All of the links on this page were still active as of September 25, 2013. 


  • AACS Alumni Association
    This is the website for the Army Airways Communications System; Airways & Air Communications Service; Air Force Communications Service; and Air Force Communications Command.
  • American Merchant Marine at War
    Dedicated to Mariners who died in service to their country in all wars, this site has a section about Merchant Marine ships in the Korean War. It not only tells the story of Merchant Marine ships during this war, it also has photographs of several merchant ships that served at that time. The site details Merchant Marine ships at Inchon and Hungnam. All merchant and military sea transportation service (MSTS) ships in service for the Korean War are listed by name.
  • Arlington National Cemetery Website
    A great, privately-owned website on which to locate biographies of many (but not all) Korean War veterans buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Some great pictures, too.
  • Army Engineer Association
    This is the official website of the Army Engineer Association, and includes information on joining the Association and how to receive the Army Engineer Magazine. The site includes a facts, programs and services section and links to regimental units. On the regimental unit links page, you will find a listing for Alumni Unit Organizations. On that page, there is an excellent master casualty navigation page for Army Korean War casualties. Visitors can click on bars for: Still Missing in Action (all services), Army combat divisions, regimental combat teams, Airborne Ranger companies, artillery, chemical, engineer, ordnance, and tank companies.
  • Army Quartermaster Museum
    An excellent site to obtain quarter master information, including: articles, clothing & equipment, subsistence/food/cooks, graves registration, quartermaster units, and much, much more.
  • Army Survivors Outreach Program
    Survivor Outreach Services is the official Army program designed to provide long term support to surviving Families of Fallen Soldiers. Survivor Outreach Services is a “one” Army program. Regardless of your loved one’s Army component, duty status, location, or manner of death, Survivor Outreach Services Support Coordinators and Financial Counselors are here to provide dedicated outreach and support when, and for as long as you desire.
  • Australia - Korea Veterans Association of Australia, Inc.
    2nd year of operation.  View comments from local and Interstate members and International Comrades. They intend the site can give you pleasure and be of assistance in either giving or seeking information on friends or relatives, also relating a story of your choice to that section.  They are trying to achieve co-operation - liaison - and camaraderie.
  • Australian Album
    This web site features a Korean War timeline for Australian involvement. It also has 47 great yarns; thumbnail pictures and texts about Australian Korean War veterans; information on the Royal Australian Regiment. Excellent graphics! Recollections and reminiscences of some of the 1600 Australian military personnel who served in the Korean War.
  • Australian War Memorial Archive – Korea
    Brief history of Australian involvement in the Korean War; reading list, online exhibition, "Out in the Cold: Australia’s Involvement in the Korean War"; guide to available sources about Australia’s involvement in the war and its participating veterans.


  • B-29s in the Korean War... contains the most comprehensive and accurate historical data, photographs and personal accounts of the B-29 aircraft, flight and ground personnel who served in the Forgotten War. Included are my personal recollections, experiences and photographs as a combat B-29 copilot in the 19BG, 28BS from August 1951 to March, 1952.
  • Belgium Korean War Vets (Dove of the Morning Calm)
    Statistics, articles, and historical information about Belgium troops in the Korean War.
  • Bill’s Military Page 1948-51
    Photos and information about Korean War veteran Bill Strong. Basic with the 101st Airborne. Korea 1951 with the 3rd Infantry Division, 15th RCT.
  • Bob West’s Korean War Pages
    An excellent site to find Korean War photographs (over 2,000), beautiful Korean music, links, history, poems, and more.
  • British - Britain’s Small Wars-Korea
    Land war, war at sea, air war, Inchon, aircraft, Hill 282, Gloster Hill, The Hook, Imjin River battle, POW, Marines in Korea, Royal Naval ships involved in Korean War, etc. An excellent website about Britain’s role in Korea.

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