Korean War Casualty Information...
Hill 303 Massacre
In August of 1950, members of the U.S. 1st Cavalry Division were involved in the defense of the Pusan
Perimeter in the southern-most part of South Korea. On August 17 of that year, the enemy tied the hands of 41
Americans behind their backs with wire, and then they murdered them. The crime was known as the Hill 303
Massacre. Following is the 1st Cavalry Division’s report and investigation of the crime, in which the casualties
of that massacre are listed, along with their rank and serial number. The original format of the report did not
include tables. Those were added by the Korean War Educator for ease of reading.
APO 201
23 August 1950
SUBJECT: Report and Investigation of War Crime (Preliminary)
TO: Commander in Chief
Far East
APO 500
ATTENTION: Staff Judge Advocate
1. General description of crime is as follows:
a. Victims: Killed and located 17 August 1950
Headquarters Company, 2D Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment
Pvt. Dooley, Johnny K. RA 34338488
Company "E", 5th Cavalry Regiment
Pvt. Borst, Arthur W. RA 12349274
Pvt. Finnigan, Richard T. RA 13317554
Pvt. Jacques, Leo W. RA 11199247
Company "G", 5th Cavalry Regiment
Pvt. Hogan, Billy R. RA 25413285
Pfc. Schuman, Walter RA 16260759
Company "H", 5th Cavalry Regiment
Pvt. Abbott, Leroy RA 15381689
Sgt Briley, Ray A. RA 16264212
Pfc. Bristow, Benjamin RA 15267980
Pvt. Causey, Billie J. RA 14318964
Pvt Collins, John W. RA 35240519
Pvt Edwards, Cecil C. RA 18349354
Pvt. Fletke, Kenneth G. RA 16295160
Pvt. Garcia, Arthur S. RA 193394454
Pvt. Hastings, Charles RA 13331052
Pfc. Hernandes, Antonio RA 39747388
Pvt. Hilgerson, John J. Jr. RA 14279507
Pvt. Huffman, Glenn E. RA 15281256
Sgt. Humes, Robert A. RA 15260371
Pfc. Jahnke, Richard RA 16283616
Pvt. McKenzie, Herbert R. RA 18340126
Pvt. Mlaskac, Milton J. RA 16325299
Pvt. Monfort, Houston RA 18281328
Pvt. Morden, Melvin W. RA 16317426
Pvt O’Brien, Robert J. RA 12342536
Pfc. Powell, Brook T. RA 15312678
Pvt. Reams, Bruce A. RA 13280781
Cpl. Regney, Earnest Jr. RA 13268079
Pvt. Semosky, George Jr. RA 13313405
Pfc. Simmons, John W. RA 192936336
Cpl. Tangman, Glenn L. RA 16282100
Pfc. Tavares, Tony RA 39760931
Pvt. Trammel, William D. RA 14337466
Medical Company, 5th Cavalry Regiment
Pfc. *Karaiseky, Raymond J. RA 12305545
*Wounded and returned 17 August 1950
Company "H", 5th Cavalry Regiment
Cpl. *Day, Ray L. RA 6270236
Pvt. *Manring, Roy RA 16327603
Pfc. *Purser, Trenon E. RA 14291324
Pvt. *Ryan, Fredrick RA 15380630
*Escaped uninjured on 17 August 1950
Company "H", 5th Cavalry Regiment
Pvt. *Rudd, James M. RA 1525795
*Killed, located on 20 August 1950, at 40.3 – 55.6. (Mary or may not be part of same offense.)
Company "F", 5th Cavalry Regiment
2nd Lt. Newman, Cecil Jr. 0-59249
Medical Company, 5th Cavalry Regiment
Cpl. Zimniuch, Siegfried S. RA 13250987
One unidentified
b. Crime first reported to platoon from "G" Company, 5th Cavalry by survivors of massacre as platoon
advanced into area at about 1630 hours on 17 August 1950.
c . Date of crime – 17 August 1950
d. Vic Hill 303, near Waegwan, Korea, map Indong, 6822 II, slaying occurred and bodies recovered from
39.700-55.700. (Survey by Division Artillery) for slayings of 17 August 1950, and 40.3-55.6 for 3 bodies
located on 20 August 1950.
e . Mass killing and wounding of forty-one (41) prisoners of war who had their hands tied behind their
backs with W130 field wire at time shooting occurred. Prior to shooting of these prisoners most means of
identification tags and personal effects had been removed by the perpetrators of the crime.
f . Automatic weapons, rifles, pistols and possibly bayonets.
2. Descriptions of suspects:
a. (1) Kim, Kwong Taek, NK PW/Tag CD 111. (2) Chon, Pyong Tok, NK PW/Tag CD 110. Both Prisoners of War
now detained at EUSAK 100 near Pusan.
b. Kim has been identified by three (3) survivors of the mass killing as being an officer present with
captors during almost three (3) days captivity of victims and as having given a command to North Korean
soldiers involved just before they opened fire on victims. Believed to be member of North Korean 206th
Regiment, 105th Division.
c . Chon has been identified by same three as a North Korean soldier present during the captivity and as
firing an automatic weapon in the killing. This PW identified himself as a member of North Korean 1st
Company, 206th Regiment, 105th Division.
d . Signal Corps photographs of both above named suspects are now being processed.
3. Descriptions of witnesses:
a. Private James M. Rudd, RA 15257595, Company H., 5th Cavalry Regiment (Present at shooting, escaped
b. Corporal Roy L. Day, RA 6270236, Company H, 5th Cavalry Regiment. (Present at shooting, escaped
slightly wounded.)
c. Private Roy Manring, RA 16327603, Company H, 5th Cavalry Regiment. (Present at shooting, escaped
wounded, was evacuated to unknown hospital – Japan)
d. Pvt. Fredrick Ryan, RA 15380630, Company H, 5th Cavalry Regiment. (Present at shooting, escaped
seriously wounded, evacuated to Osaka General Hospital.)
e. Pfc. Trenton E. Purser, RA 13291324, Company H, 5th Cavalry Regiment. (Present at shooting, escaped
seriously wounded, evacuated to unknown hospital – Japan)
f. CWP Ernest Hirai, OIC, IP W. Team, #5, Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Division
g. SFC Howard O. Evans, G Company, 5th Cavalry Regiment
h. Cpl. Kenneth S. Maze, G Company, 5th Cavalry Regiment
i. Pfc. Albert K. Comp, G Company, 5th Cavalry Regiment
4. Statements and documents as available to time of this report pertaining to witnesses and
suspects are appended as follows:
Exhibit 1 Statement of Pvt. Rudd
Exhibit 2 Statement of Cpl Day
Exhibit 3 G-2 Interrogation Rudd and Day
Exhibit 4 Statement of Pvt Manring
Exhibit 5 Statement of Pvt Manring
Exhibit 6 Statement of 1st Lt. Tanaka, Hq, 1st Cav Div
Exhibit 7 Extract G-2 Interrogation of PW Chon
Exhibit 8 Statement of PW Kim
Exhibit 9 Statement of PW Chon
Exhibit 10 Statement of CWO Hirai
Exhibit 11 Statement of SFC Evans
Exhibit 12 Statement of Cpl Maze
Exhibit 13 Statement of Pfc. Comp
Photographs of scene of 17 August 1950, killings taken by Signal Corps photographers, Sergeant Wyatt,
13th Signal Company, 1st Cavalry Division, Life-Time photographer, Henry G. Walker, Acme News photographer,
Stanley Tretick. Photographs of suspects Kim and Chon taken by Captain Perham, 13th Signal Company, 1st
Cavalry Division. Signal Corps photographs have not yet been received. Photographs by Life-Time and Acme
News Pictures have been requested by letters from Major Brown, dated 18 August 1950.
5. Comments on the evidence:
The testimony of witnesses Rudd, Day, and Manring, identify PW Kim as officer present and giving order to
North Korean soldiers at time fire opened in mass killing. Same testimony identifies PW Chon as North Korean
soldier firing automatic weapons at killing.
Testimony of CWP Hirai, Exhibit 10, who interviewed PW Kim and Chon on 17 August 1950, at 5th Cavalry
Regimental CP, and testimony of Cpl. Maze, Exhibit 12, would indicate that nature of wounds of these two PWs
would render improbable the participation of PW Kim as per testimony of eye witnesses Rudd, Day and Manring.
6. Photographs and further statements of listed and other witnesses will be forwarded by supplement
report when available.
Robert E. Brown
Major, 0-52098
JAGC, HQ, 1st Cav Div.